Territorio Dinópolis reached in 2018 the highest number of visitors in its 17 year history (Heraldo de Aragón)

Dinópolis in Teruel and its seven satelite headquarters located all over the province achieved last year their greatest visitors sum in their whole history. About 193.000 people – a 10,83% more tan in 2017 – went all over that leisure complex that is focused around paleonthology and dinosaurs life. Data are similar tom those of 2002, a year after their opening and six before 2008 recession made turismo go slow down.

Among the factors that made 2018 a record period is the improvement of the economical environment, the intense marketing campaign that the theme park made, and the launch of the movie “Jurassic World 2”, directed by the spaniard Jose Antonio Bayona. It also has some effect the subsequent incorporation of secondary offices to Territorio Dinopolis in their 17 years, reaching to the current number of seven in Galve, Peñarroya de Tastavins, Castellote, Rubielos de Mora, Albarracín, Riodeva and Ariño.

That is how it was explained by the manager of Dinopolis, Higinia Navarro, who showed herself specially proud of the data that reflects that over 96% of the visitants afirm that they would recommend the visit to the theme park, fifht more preferred by spanish families – according to a consumption study- followed by Port Aventura, Parque Warner, Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias and Loro Parque.

On the other hand, visitors from zaragoza gained relevance, up to the point that this province constituted in 2018 the major visitors origin place, with a 15,68% of people against 14% from Valencia and 13,76% from Madrid.

The aragoneese government councelor of education, culture and sport and chairwoman of Dinópolis, Mayte Pérez, reminded that the park is on a development and improvement proyect financed by Teruel investment fund (Fite) – that feeds from DGA and central government contributions. For next season, that Will start on 16th March, this premises will offer new attractions in the Sauriopark merry-go-down zone, that are going to be bid for a second time after the administrative problems of the first bid. Furthermore, the theatre show “Rex” it´s been reformed.

According to the counseling, it will also be available  to bid the land housing project for the build of the new attraction planned “ Mar Jurasico”, focused on the sea beds and can not be available for the 2019 season start. Project ideas competition and the direction and drafting of this future theme unit of Dinopolis are about to launch as well. “Dinopolis has located Teruel in the leisure and turismo map” Mayte Pérez said. Councelor highlighted that the park had received almost three million visits up to now, “A great figure for a 36.000 inhabitants city”.