Fersa, which exports 96% of what it produces, increases its turnover by 82 million (Heraldo de Aragón)

A “good year”. That is how Pedro Pablo Andreu, general manager of the aragonese group, defines the year 2018 as he had registered an increase in its turnover of 14%. “In 2017, we had a revenue of 72 million euros. The objective of last year was to reach 78 million euros and we achieved it  by reaching 82 millions with an EBITDA over 9 million. And for the next period the objective is to reach a 12% more.” The manager pointed out by remembering that “To play in an international draftboard”, that is to say, to export 96% of what they produce – 60% outside the EU – together with the technological bet, investments and business culture is what sustains this ascending path.

“We have set ourselves the target of exceeding 90 million euros in sales”, he added. And that requires investments like the ones they are carriying out in three new production lines, one of them in the premises of Zaragoza. “It will be focused on high added value bearings for european original truck equipment manufacturers. It is partilly installed and the idea is to have it ready by the end of June. It will be added to the other three lines that we have in Plaza and we are already trainig people to work in it” Fersa´s general manager pointed out. Moreover, they are investing in another completeley automated line in the factory of NKE (industrial bearings brand) in Steyr (Austria) whose acquisition was initiated by Fersa in 2016 and concludes last november. And another production line it´s been incorporating in China. “They are investments in the three factories that sum up between 5 and 6 million euros.” he said.

“To be global and technological is what permits us to face competitors that are more prepared each time” directive highlight. “We are the first company in Spain with all their management system or RP in cloud storage with Microsoft, fact that Will permit us to incorpórate business intelligence and other tools on a faster way” he said.

With the strategic objective of rising its presence in East Europe countries, board of directors of Fersa dismiss for the moment new enterprise acquisitions as NKE one had been closed recently and had already a “very possitive influence for the business” he pointed out. About the pending investments in Plaza for the construction of the new premises, he indicated that they are dealing with the administrative process and regarding the issue of increasing staff, he reminded that “they have just hire 25 people. We are 530 all over the world and about 200 in Zaragoza”.